
What Do You Want To Do With The Time You Have Left?

Take some time to figure it out, you’ll thank me later.

Travis Hubbard
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2021


Photo by Ivan Mani on Unsplash

When I heard someone ask that question my first thought was “What a tool.

But I sat there for a minute and it hit me like a ton of bricks: that question is a great way to bring focus into my life.

What do I want to do with the time I have left?

I put some dedicated thought to the question and came up with a list of things I’d like to accomplish before I expire.

List in hand, I considered each one, and asked myself another question:

If I didn’t do this today, and died overnight, would I care (if I could)?

One by one, items dropped off the list until only one remained.

Spend time with my kids.

As annoying as they think I am, I totally enjoy spending time with them.

The youngest affectionately referred to as The Girl Child, is the one most offended by my presence. Whatever. I’m there anyway. Smiling, laughing, and telling her jokes.

The older two, both boys, seem relatively indifferent in my presence. They don’t roll their eyes when I…



Travis Hubbard

Developer, writer, digital alchemist. 30 years in software. MEng Stevens.