What Does a Woman Want?

“Bonds of love never make the wearer weaker; they give him greater strength!”— Wonder Woman

Krishna V Chaudhary
3 min readApr 3, 2021


Photo by Hean Prinsloo on Unsplash

How often do we name people around us as strong? When was the last time we called someone strong?

Oh, he can do a 100-pound deadlift! He is definitely strong.

Oh! someone over there is doing a 200-pound deadlift!! He is surely stronger.

But what makes us actually define the power of someone? Is it just limited to how much one can lift?

Then that 3-second deadlift is surely not a criterion for how strong someone is.

We all are surrounded by people who are definitely the correct definition of strongness. The women. Women are surely pretty much stronger than all of us men out there. Do we men have any idea the amount of pain they go through when they are in labor. I have closely experienced it while my wife was in her labor. Although I am a gym freak myself and I am actually a tough guy, but I can never even think of experiencing that pain. We men lack those physical definitions of bearing pain.

The amount of work the women do is applaudable. The way they manage the house chores, children, and their professional job is very beautiful. And in return, all they want is the love and respect that they actually deserve.

Hence, you must appreciate the women in your lives. Your little daughter, or your sister, your mother, or your wife. Treat everyone with love. Because they are the actual building blocks of one’s life. And there shouldn’t be any concept of superiority or dominance of male over female. You should try and abduct this notion.

A few days back I read something disturbing. This made me more warm-hearted for women. This may sound nightmarish, but yet this is true.

It was about a rare medical case in which the woman complained about being teary-eyed. And these tears were her blood! She was taken to the emergency room as she was experiencing tears of blood. She wasn’t wounded, neither she had any pain nor any discomfort.

This had perplexed the doctors.

After conducting an array of tests, the doctors examined and realized that the woman was on her periods. The blood coming out of her eyes was not any injury, but actually her periods. She was diagnosed with ocular vicarious menstruation.

This is a rare medical condition in which it can bleed from the extragenital parts during periods. This can make a woman bleed from the eyes, lips, and nose. While nose bleeding is very common, bloody tears from the eyes are rare.

The pain, women endure is indescribable while giving birth. It differs from women to women. But in common it is like, breaking of bones.

Photo by Gabby Orcutt on Unsplash

This morning when I was sitting with my son waiting for tea. All the thoughts came into my mind about my wife, mother, sister, and all the women surrounding me. Domestic chores to office their contribution is immeasurable. This article is dedicated to all women. If men are reading this, then it is dedicated to your mother, wife, sister, or any woman that belongs to your life.

The women are the most beautiful creation of nature. If there are no women, no mankind.



Krishna V Chaudhary

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