What Does It Mean to Be Old?

Do you judge people at a glance?

Lois Requist


Photo by Sheggeor laker and Unsplash

So many jokes and stories are told about old people and women — blondes in particular — that even if you’re old and/or blonde, you may buy into the assumptions that are made about you. Of course, racial stereotypes have been in our society longer than we have and getting rid of them isn’t easy. We may judge people based on their weight, their clothing, hairstyle, the car they drive, where they live or a disability.

You may think yourself less smart or capable than you are because society tends to laugh at certain of its segments, such as old folks. They are bent over, hard of hearing, slow moving, give “organ” recitals about the part of their body that has been replaced or doesn’t work quite right, and talk about “the good old days.”

The notion that being younger, thinner, richer, white, or male is better should be put to rest forever. In fact, “notion” isn’t the right word; it’s far more insidious than that word implies. Challenge yourself to notice your own prejudices. You might be surprised how quickly you make…



Lois Requist

Writing has been my passion for most of my life. Poetry, newspaper articles, and columns, two novels, and a nonfiction book published as well as short stories.