Inspiration and Life

What Does It Mean to Choose?

Are you responsible for your choices?

Bill Abbate
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2022


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

With the number of choices we make daily, you would think everyone would be a decision-making expert! We know that is not true.

But what about those important choices? It would seem we would at least develop real expertise in making them. But that doesn’t ring true either, does it?

Let’s discuss these many choices to see if we can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Choices, choices, choices

Making so many choices daily, with some sources claiming the average person makes 35,000, why don’t we learn from them? But, you say, “there is no way we make that many choices, and if we did, how many of them matter?” Great question! How many of these types of choices matter? Not many.

What about those other choices? You know, the ones that matter. Those that impact our lives and the lives of others? Crucial choices. How expert are we at making them? Apparently, not very. How do we know this?

The evidence is in the lives we live. Some make better choices and reap tremendous benefits from them. Yet that is a small number compared to the entire population.



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author