What Gets My Endorphins Going?

You had to ask, didn’t you Sherry McGuinn?

Stephen Dalton
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2020


Endorphin Rush Image from British Columbia park
Endorphin Rush Source Free-Image Though I’ve never been to BC, my wife says that’s where I was born.jpeg

Sherry’s contribution, ICYMI

First of all, why we gotta use a big word like Endorphins? Why don’t we just call them what they really are? I mean c’mon, why we gotta use a $1,000,000 word like Endorphins? Endorphins are endogenous opioid neuropeptides without the actual opioids. Dammit!

This diatribe is all because Sherry, little Miss “I Wrote a Story About Sex And nobody came.” I’m serious, folks. I have no idea why she’s even still writing. She gotta be pulling down seven figures with all that kissing and telling about the best sex she ever ate and the fire in her belly. But this ain’t all about her or the fact she’s so ready to slap a bitch.

This, once again, is about her freakin’ challenge to us halfwits about funny videos. Well, actually, I think it was supposed to be about, “How can I make you feel?” But maybe I’m the only one in that halfwit category — but still…



Stephen Dalton

Stephen Dalton is a retired US Army First Sergeant with a degree in journalism from the University of Maryland. Top Writer in Investing, Business, & Bitcoin!