What Happened at the Crucifixion of Jesus?

Prophecy fulfilled

Olive Wilson


Image by Andrea Don from Pixabay

In each of the four Gospels in the New Testament, a detailed account of the crucifixion of Christ is recorded either by eyewitnesses (Matthew, John) or based on eyewitness accounts (Mark, Luke). These were compiled within 20-30 years of the event. Today we have over 5800 manuscripts of the New Testament in Greek alone,¹ significantly more than any other ancient text, further corroborating its historicity.

While some critics allege the happenings are fabricated due to slight variations in the accounts, scholars recognise this as an expected outcome of eyewitness accounts. Renowned theologian Professor T. N. Wright postulates:

We have to face the simple fact that the Gospels don’t align in every detail. This doesn’t, however, discredit a sense of ‘harmony.’²

Basic Account in the Four Gospels

A basic outline of the crucifixion provided by each Gospel writer determines the time, place, method and burial of Jesus:

Time: Mark’s Gospel states ‘the third hour’ while John writes ‘about the sixth hour’. These have been perceived as contradictions; Mark appears to be using Jewish time computation while John is most…



Olive Wilson

From N. Ireland, currently in Cyprus. Passionate about photography, travel, languages, faith and creativity. Photos at https://olive30.picfair.com/