What Happened to Bryan Kohberger? Part 9: Health Conditions Like His Can Be Prevented and Healed

Jennifer Thangavelu
Published in
6 min readMar 13, 2023
Photo by Chris Linnett on Unsplash

[Note: This part will make more sense if you first read the previous parts in this series, available here.]

Why Does Modern Medicine Fail in Treating Chronic Illness?

Kohberger found so little relief of his health conditions by consulting conventional doctors that he turned to an online forum for help. Countless other people do. Why?

As I noted in Part 1, mainstream medical science is an ever-evolving field with more to learn than it currently knows. Right now it hasn’t yet learned the true factors that cause and worsen not only neurological conditions, but all other types of chronic illness. That’s why doctors routinely claim that conditions like bipolar disorder, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia can’t be cured but only managed — with perpetual reliance on expensive pharmaceuticals that have terrible side effects . . . .

Which brings me to this point: Many deep within the medical industry, behind the well-meaning doctors who genuinely desire to help their patients, do know about the true causes of chronic illness but also have significant interests in ignoring these truths and perpetuating disinformation. I won’t discuss this here but you can read about it in detail in Medical Medium’s Brain Saver.

While Kohberger received no help from the medical industry, in carefully observing his own condition he came uncannily close to the truth of its cause, which I’ve detailed in previous parts in this series. Here’s more evidence, from a January 2011 Tapatalk post where he theorized about visual snow (all grammar and spelling mistakes are his own):

I believe it to have its nerve roots as well as its vein roots/ arteries. I believe It seems that this disease we all have is some type of inflamatory disease… In this case it would be easily treatable…

He was right. Anthony William (aka the Medical Medium) explains in Thyroid Healing:

As the [Epstein-Barr] virus makes itself at home in or around the central nervous system, it inflames nerves. EBV’s game plan with this is to slow down your body, so that your vascular system (blood vessels) can’t deliver ample amounts of oxygen to your organs. Oxygen keeps the nervous system strong, plus it’s an antiviral imperative to healing. When oxygen is not present in adequate amounts in the body, it creates a campground for EBV to grow and proliferate.

Kohberger also was right that this condition is easily treatable — but back then Medical Medium’s books hadn’t been published yet so he couldn’t have known about the most effective treatment. And so in his final Tapatalk post in February of 2012, he wrote:

I have just accepted my visual snow finally. I don’t even feel the need to stay away from the forum, it doesn’t scare me anymore! anyone else come to terms? I feel like comign to terms could be a bad thing though..

Eerily prescient, it turns out that coming to terms was a bad thing, because, left untreated, his EBV and heavy metal toxicity would spiral out of control, which likely assisted the eventual loss of his basic humanity as he morphed into someone who could (allegedly) murder others.

But again, what choice did Kohberger have but to accept his condition? He just didn’t have access to what could have helped him most — and it was not for lack of trying.

Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Healing From Heavy Metal Toxicity and EBV Is Possible

Fortunately for the rest of humanity, Medical Medium books are becoming more and more popular as they sell millions worldwide, and Anthony William shares massive amounts of free information on almost every social media platform daily.

His books and countless online posts provide basic guidelines for ridding the body of both EBV and the toxins it feeds on, through a morning cleanse regimen of lemon water, celery juice, and the heavy metal detox smoothie (that I discussed in Part 1), and also by avoiding the list of troublemaker foods that feed pathogens and impede healing. His Cleanse To Heal and Brain Saver books provide additional tools for deeper cleansing — including the new brain shot therapies.

There’s a reason why Anthony William has accrued over four million Instagram followers — an astonishing feat for someone in alternative (and even conventional) health: because his advice works. Every day, stories proliferate across social media from real people using Medical Medium protocols to heal even the most chronic conditions that modern medicine couldn’t help them with — including conditions like Kohberger’s. Here’s a video from someone who credits Medical Medium information with resolving her neurological symptoms:

After seeing a huge number of testimonies like this and experiencing a permanent lift in my own baseline mood after doing the same — not to mention the remarkable clearing of physical symptoms which I’ll write about in a future post, I can confidently say this:

The information Medical Medium shares is critical not only for healing the body but for improving emotional and mental well-being, which are much more connected to physical health than modern medicine tells us.

Detoxing from Heavy Metals and EBV Can Help Prevent Tragedies of All Kinds

It’s likely that if Kohberger or anyone else in his life had access to Medical Medium’s information when he was still in his mid-teens, when he was still desperately seeking help, that would have cleared his many physical and psychological symptoms. And since the way people think and behave can be heavily influenced by the amount of toxicity in the body, successful detox very likely would have steered Kohberger’s life in a much more positive direction.

After all, it was his own persistent mental disturbance that prompted his study of the criminal mind. As one of his friends speculated, “I think through his criminology studies, he was really trying to understand humans and trying and understand himself.”

To be clear, neurological afflictions don’t necessarily cause criminal behavior nor are they solely responsible for it. Many factors combined in a chain of events leading to the Moscow student killings. But my series has explored one aspect of this case that, so far, no one else is talking about: the hidden role of toxic heavy metals and pathogens connecting a crime suspect’s multiple symptoms and an understanding of how they can distort thoughts and behaviors.

This information is relevant not just to this case but to everyone’s lives — because most people eventually will suffer neurological conditions linked to toxic heavy metals and EBV, ranging from mild brain fog to vertigo to persistent anxiety or depression to tremors to full-blown dementia in old age. These conditions tend to worsen as people accumulate more toxic metals over time without detoxing and these metals become more harmful as they oxidize and form alloys.

If we understand how toxic heavy metals and EBV affect human health and how to cleanse using the Medical Medium protocols that have already helped so many, we can help prevent all kinds of tragedies — not only rare, headline-grabbing ones like the Moscow murders, but also the countless quiet devastations in personal health that many just accept accept as part of life.

These health conditions might have become the norm, but there’s nothing natural about this. As Medical Medium points out, we live in a very unnatural world filled with industrial toxins and new strains of pathogens that our bodies were never designed to handle. But we can learn the truth about what these toxins and pathogens are doing to us and find out how to rid our bodies of them for good, so we can become the best versions of ourselves. Medical Medium’s information empowers us to do both.

Note: I’m not sponsored by or affiliated with Medical Medium in any way. I simply feel compelled to share his information because it has massively improved my own health and that of so many others.

I’ve decided to make all my content on Medium free. If you find my writing enjoyable or helpful, feel free to make a PayPal donation to me. Thank you.



Jennifer Thangavelu

Seeker and sharer of deep truths, the stories behind the stories--especially those bridging the illusory gap between material and spiritual worlds. 100% HUMAN