What Happened to Peter Gibbs?

On December 24, 1975, Peter Gibbs took off for a short 10-minute flight never to be seen alive again.

Mark Scofield


Peter Gibbs, London Symphony Orchestra violinist who had served in the Royal Air Force as a pilot during World War II, died under mysterious circumstances sometime between December 24th, 1975, and April 21st, 1976, a few months later when his decomposed body was discovered halfway up a hill by a local farmer on the Isle of Skye.

The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Peter and the Cessna plane he was flying are mysterious.

Peter and his girlfriend had just finished dinner at the hotel they were staying at on the Isle of Skye in the Inner Hebrides Islands off the coast of Scotland. The Inner Hebrides is a chain of 35 islands including Skye, the largest of the islands.

Peter took off for his solo flight the evening of December 24th, 1975, at half-past nine, shortly after finishing dinner.

Supposedly, he was just going to circle the island, landing 10 minutes after he took off on the 700m airstrip adjacent to his hotel.



Mark Scofield

Coming out of the shadows. No more pseudonym. Humans are designed to fail. I'm Exhibit A. Often writing semi-fictional history and autobiographical stories.