What Happened When I Was Offered a Credit Card At 18 Years Old

My brand new, shiny black and silver credit card was snatched away from my hands, never to be seen again.

Shamar M


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

At the age of 18, I thought I was an adult. “I’m getting old now,” I would say, but little did I know this was just the beginning of life.

After I passed my exams and was accepted into university, the summer months were all about preparation and planning. What do I need? Pots, pans, a new mattress, a new mindset, bed sheets, pens, pencils and my own student bank account.

As a newfound adult, I no longer needed Mum and Dad to be by my side when going to the bank. So, I went to the bank to enquire about opening a student account. Pre-covid times, it was so easy to walk into a bank and ask to sit with a bank clerk and open a new account. Nowadays, I only see two bank clerks working at a time despite a queue of people and you’re not allowed to see anyone in person for opening bank accounts. To be fair, yes it can be done online, but I can’t ask my screen questions…

I digress.

Anyway, a wonderful lady whose name I forgot, agreed to assist me with opening a student account. I felt so important when she was leading me up the stairs because all the fancy offices were…



Shamar M

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.