What happens after Death?
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What happens after death?

Md Jamal
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Do We Continue to Exist After Death?

In India, we believe that the body has five dimensions or layers. The first layer is the physical body, which we call the food body because it is nourished by food. The second layer is the mental body, and the third layer is the energy body. These three layers are all part of the physical aspects of life. For example, just like a light bulb is physical, the electricity and the light it produces are also physical. Similarly, the physical body is the most tangible, the mental body is subtler, and the energy body is even more subtle, but they are all physical.

Our actions and experiences leave an imprint on our body, mind, and energy. This imprint, called karma, is like a cement that keeps us connected to our physical body. Although karma can be seen as a form of bondage, it is also what allows us to inhabit and exist in our bodies.

When someone dies, we may say, "This person is no more." However, that statement is not entirely true. The person may no longer be present in the way we knew them, but they still exist in some form.

The next two dimensions are the etheric body and the bliss body. The etheric body is non-physical but connected to the physical body. It acts as a link between the physical and non-physical realms. The bliss body, on the other hand, is completely non-physical and does not have a physical form.

Is There Life After Death?

When someone dies, their physical body will decay, but their mental and energy bodies continue to exist based on their karma. If the karmic structure is weak and has completed its course, the person can easily find another body to be born into. This transition happens quickly and smoothly. However, if the karmic structure is extreme and incomplete, it can takes longer for the person to find another body. These intense karmic structures may be experienced as ghosts or entities that linger in the non-physical realm, waiting for their karma to dissipate before finding another body.

Where Do We Go When We Die?

Our physical body is made up of elements from the Earth, and when we die, those elements return to the Earth. Our mental faculties, including our discretionary intellect, also cease to exist with death. However, the information and karma gathered throughout our life remain intact. The way we experience the afterlife depends on the state of our mind at the time of death.

If we enter a pleasant state of existence, it is referred to as heaven. Just like that entering an unpleasant state of existence can be referred ashell. For example, if you hear bad news about losing money in the stock market but still maintain a positive outlook, you can experience happiness. However, if you lose your ability to make choices and fall into a state of compulsive depression, your experiences will be determined solely by your tendencies and the quality of your accumulated karma.


After death, discernment and discretion are completely absent. Any quality or experience you put into the mind of a disembodied being will be magnified tremendously. This is why we talk about heaven and hell. They are not physical places, but rather the experiential realities that a disembodied life goes through.

