What Happens When We Grow Up

“Reclaiming Freedom, Rediscovering Identity”

Aitzaz Roonjha
2 min readMar 31, 2024



Life was incredibly beautiful when we were children, wasn’t it? There were no rules to abide by, no tension, no worries about exams, no concerns about what others thought, and no rigid values to adhere to. But as we transitioned into adulthood and encountered the realities of the world, we began to see people’s true faces. We became entangled in the perceptions of others and constrained by societal norms and expectations.

Last week, I participated in a five-day online session on the “essence of dialogue,” which was a profoundly enlightening experience. During the session, we watched a video that explored the transformation we undergo as we mature.

Reflecting on my childhood memories, I realized how blissful those days were. Although I am still only 17 years old, I have noticed changes within myself. The innocence and fearlessness of childhood seem to have diminished. Society has imposed certain values upon me, dictating who I should be and how I should behave. I find myself preoccupied with the opinions of others and worry about how I am perceived.

However, deep down, I still sense the presence of that carefree child within me. It saddens me to think that we suppress that essence as we grow older. We allow society to mold our identities, blending opinions and values into a rigid framework that we feel obligated to adhere to.

I yearn to reconnect with that carefree spirit, to reclaim my freedom and individuality. I miss the fearlessness and authenticity of that child, and I am determined to rediscover those qualities within myself. It’s time to break free from the constraints imposed by society and forge my own identity.



Aitzaz Roonjha

A 17-year-old literary adventurer, weaving words into tapestries of imagination, inviting readers on a captivating journey of discovery and inspiration.