What Happens When We Stop Chasing our Dream?

What do our souls really feed on?

3 min readJul 1, 2023


Free stock photo by Tom SwinnenPexels

A while ago I considered quitting. Quitting everything I love doing the most and living a more “normal” life.

Yeah, I really did. Pursuing a dream is hard work. But not that kind of hard work that you do with your hands, legs, or the rest of your body.

That is a whole different kind of work.


Because it requires you to deeply believe in something, every day. And you’re not allowed to take a break because the minute you stop believing, you fall into a dark hole and need to start all over again.

Yes, chasing a dream really is hard work. And only those who have truly tried to turn their vision into actuality will know the meaning behind these words.

Waking up feeling like you’re on a mission and devoting every waking moment of your day to understanding how to turn that vision into actuality is no easy task.

And when you meet roadblocks (because you will meet them if you’re really a dreamer) you have to have the courage, the passion, and the strength to keep pushing through if this is slowing you down, or to get back up if it has knocked you down.

What does that require?

Belief. In yourself, in your vision. Nothing more. You can have a purpose, but if your vision is not strong enough, life will take over at some point.

And if you’ve been strong enough, life will crown you with an opportunity or two, and in that very moment, you have to know what to do and how to move, swiftly and promptly, because those opportunities won’t be up for a long time.

You might be thinking “Oh boy, is it really that hard being a dreamer?”

Well, yes it is.

That’s why few people dare chase a dream nowadays. Because few people have the b***s to bet on themselves (consistently and for a long time).

Watch out though, because everyone has a dream. Yet the gap that separates those who are willing to do everything in order to live their dream, over the ones who are happy to keep their dream in a drawer and let it out just to make themselves feel better thinking that one day they’ll achieve it, is big.

I speak to many people on a daily basis, and I never fail to witness that everybody has a dream. But few dare find the right method to execute and take action.


That’s a good question. But I would say fear, mainly. Fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of not being successful, fear of not being enough.

You see, what happens is very simple.

Picture every human being like a fireball when they’re first born. They’re pure life, pure fire.

As we grow, this fire grows weaker, and the necessity to “fit in” washes over this fire making it slowly die.

And that very same need to fit in becomes much stronger than the first fire.

So then we start trading our time for money, more and more, and we become addicted to it.

We sell our identity to a society that robs us of our soul, in exchange for money. And the more time of our life we trade in, the more money we get. We think we’re doing good, but really and truly we’re just being fooled.

We have lost ourselves, and what’s even worse is that we’re not even aware of it.

We have lost that fire that made us who we are. Because dreams shape our true identity. My dream makes me unique, and so does yours.

So yeah…

I really wanted to quit chasing my dream at some point. But then I realized that quitting chasing my dream would also mean selling my soul out. Betraying myself, or worse losing myself.

I can’t do that. I can’t trade my life just to fit in. I have come here to take advantage of this invaluable gift.

My life, my sense of being alive, my love for life itself, and my vision doesn’t have a price cap.

Being a dreamer is hard, it’s true.

But it’s the only way I know to be alive.


Thanks for reading




Seeker of Meaning. Obsessed with researching tools that can enhance the unlimited Human Potential. Let’s live to the fullest.