What I Do and Don’t Do

The Difference Between Channels, Psychics, and Mediums

Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com


Photo by petr sidorov on Unsplash

A couple of weeks ago, I read a comment written by a writer in response to a comment made to her regarding one of her articles, and I took exception to it. I’ve let it stew for a while and reread it, and while I still found it offensive in places, I also think it was accurate in places, and I’ve decided to address it without names or anger involved.

The writer was defensive after a reader suggested the visions or premonitions she’d shared were a little scary. She answered the comment by saying if the reader wanted uplifting, she should stick to channeled messages, because that’s all channels do. It rubbed me the wrong way, because it was meant to be insulting, but after rereading it, I concede that, at least in my case, she’s right. All the channeled messages I share are, or at least are meant to be, uplifting, positive, hopeful, encouraging, and loving. I mean, I do channel the Archangels, and they are all of those things. Their purpose and mine is to help people.

The writer went on to say that channeling had nothing to do with psychic ability, that we just told people what they wanted to hear and that we repeated flowery rhetoric you can get from ministers, gurus, and life coaches. I still take exception to that, although probably not in the way it was intended…



Jodie Helm www.asktheangels222.com

4X Top Writer , Archangel channel, Reiki Master, Bridge. I share the messages I receive from my guides here. My only religion is Love. asktheangels222@gmail.com