What I Finally Figured Out By Publishing 220 Stories in Three Months

Do you want to know which stories earn me the most money and why?

Justiss Goode | F😄M


Photo of hand counting stacked coins.
Photo Credit: Canva.com

Greetings readers, and thanks for stopping to read probably your millionth story from a Medium writer, telling you about their achievements.

But by telling you exactly what I said in the title, I just might be able to save you an awful lot of time and energy, plus help you earn more on Medium.

I know how we all (including me) have a tendency to bail on a story partway through, but as I said, if you seriously want to know how things work on Medium and optimize your earning potential, without spinning your wheels, you’ll stick around to the end.

So here we go, I’m jumping right in…

About My Stories

I provided the SCREENSHOT below for obvious reasons. The number of stories I’ve published is the main point of this story, so it stands to reason that I would validate that claim first. I also want to point something else out in a second.

Screen shot of Justiss Goode stories
Screen shot Provided by Author



Justiss Goode | F😄M

Prolific Writer | Publication Editor | Friend of the Community: Always down to support fellow writers and their stories, in fun, creative, and promotional ways!