What I go through as a young writer and still feel disconnected

Universal Unity Unleashed
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2024

As a young writer, I’ve experienced a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges. My journey began in 9th grade, driven by a desire to make money and achieve financial success. I researched many ways to earn a living and became convinced that writing an ebook was the best way to achieve my goals without falling prey to scams. As I have in the past. However, my passion for the topic soon took over, and I found myself pouring my heart and soul into the project.

I turned to ChatGPT for support, ofc because it was the way for most, seeking to enhance my writing and ensure it met high standards. During the summer of 2023, I took my writing to the next level by building my own website from scratch and investing time and effort into three different blog platforms, including Medium. Despite my hard work, I felt like I was stuck in limbo, failing to make meaningful progress.

My first ebook, consisting of 54 pages, was met with encouragement and praise from those around me, but sadly, no one showed tangible support. I was left feeling disconnected and unmotivated, wondering if my dreams were nothing more than a pipe dream.

Determined to push forward, I decided to transform my ebook into a real book that could impact many lives. I submitted my original work/copy (54 pages) to a book company, and to my surprise, they expressed interest in publishing it. However, I’ve since decided to rewrite the entire book, and the pressure is on to complete it before February 2024.

As I embark on this challenging journey, I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions — excitement, fear, and self-doubt. I’m eager to share my story and inspire others, but I’m also nervous about the outcome. Will my work be well-received? Will I finally find the success and recognition I’ve been striving for? Only time will tell. For now, I’ll continue to pour my heart and soul into my writing, hoping that my passion and perseverance will eventually pay off. Wish me luck!

These images demonstrate the immense dedication and effort I’ve invested in my book since 9th Grade. I’ve been so consumed by the writing process that I’ve even started working on other books. However, I must admit that I had a brief moment of weakness where I relied on ChatGPT for support. But, I’m proud to say that I’ve since broken free from its grasp and have deleted the platform from my devices months ago. Since taking writing seriously.

It’s been a journey of self-discovery and growth, and I’ve learned to trust my own voice and writing abilities. I’ve poured my heart and soul into every sentence, every paragraph, and every chapter of my book. The blood, sweat, and tears I’ve shed are evident in the words that flow from the pages.

Despite the setbacks and doubts, I’ve persevered, and my passion for storytelling has only grown stronger. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made, and I’m excited to share my work with the world. These images are just a glimpse into the depth of my creative process, and I hope they inspire others to pursue their own passions with unwavering dedication and determination.

I am still working on my first project and will show the World in February. That is a promise.

I am the owner of these images

My future Articles with show :

  • Don’t use ChatGPT or else
  • What to do when feeling pressured to writing a book as a young girl
  • If you use ChatGPT, here is what you should do…..
  • why you should start writing

If any of my loyal readers have any suggestions to what I should further touch topic on, let me know in the comments. Thanks 😊

Read my precious article on the Zero $ Testament and see : https://medium.com/illuminations-mirror/zero-dollar-testament-9cd98af1d79e

Keep at what you’re doing and never give up. — Gabby ❤️




Universal Unity Unleashed

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