What I Learned Flying to Japan with Two Strangers

It was one of the most terrifying but most pivotal moments of my life

Trudy Horsting
World Traveler’s Blog


Photo by Tianshu Liu on Unsplash

Most people don’t really learn independence until it’s their only choice. Until they move away from home for the first time or they’re in a position where they have to act as the “adult,” true independence isn’t necessary. As a result, they don’t use it.

As I grew up I had many experiences where I learned the basics of independence, and going away to college was certainly a big moment of growth. However, even in college my mom was only a phone call away. There was a health center on campus, and I had easy access to any material thing I needed. There wasn’t much I had to figure out on my own besides what to cook for dinner.

Traveling to a foreign country where I didn’t speak the language and didn’t know the currency was pivotal to my growth, and it altered my confidence for the better.

I was 20 years old when I flew across the world to Japan. Old enough that I shouldn’t be that scared right? To be honest, I was terrified. I had never been out of the country by myself and the kicker was, on this trip, I went with two strangers.

Let me explain.

The long story short is that I had applied to attend a student conference…



Trudy Horsting
World Traveler’s Blog

Writer. PhD Candidate. Frugal Traveler. Passionate about health, personal growth, and saving money.