What I Would Say to My 21-Year-Old Self

Even if I was too stubborn to listen

Sylvia Emokpae


Everyone has regrets, especially those who deny it. Everybody wishes they had handled a situation differently or done something they were too scared to at the time. Mostly, people regret not having done something.

I can imagine talking to my younger self with a preaching tone to my voice. It would be something like,

“You’re going to pull out of this one, just be hopeful!”

My old self would swat me away saying “even if I do, don’t invalidate my feelings and just let me feel this way!”

Here’s a list of 5 things I would tell my younger self if there was a choice to travel through time.

Do it! Skydive!

My sister managed to get a really good deal for me to go skydiving. The timing was perfect — I was young, I had just finished my third year of university and felt like celebrating, and I loved the idea of doing something more adventurous.

My sister wouldn’t do it with me. She claimed that if she was a little younger and with no child to look after, she might have done it for the thrill of it. But being in your 30’s and being a mother to a 4-year-old puts things in perspective. It wasn’t worth the risk for her.



Sylvia Emokpae

Hustler by day, mother all the time. Inspired by normal life occurrences because, in hindsight, everything we do is interesting. Chocolate addict.