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What I Wrote In 2020 — An Important View Of My Life

Nandita Abraham
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2021


Life, leadership, learning and moving ahead

So much has happened in the year gone by, and we tend to remember it through incidents. There is a part of each of us that wants to communicate through stories, through ideas that transcend real things that happened. Stories illuminate not only what happened, but the impact it had on us, how we experienced the moments of life. Our thoughts are a mirror of our lives and help us catch a glimpse of humanity through our reflection.

I looked at the posts I wrote in 2020 and saw this mirror my experiences. Here are a list and reflection through looking at what I wrote. Go through the list slowly and if you find any of these relevant, do read or save for a later time.

Leadership, Work and Change

How Being a Mentor Can Make Powerful Shifts in Your Life.

3 Mindset Shifts That Will Make You Live Better Today

How to Host an ‘Online’ Panel that People will Love

Build a ‘Learning Organisation’ to be Successful in the Volatile Market

Ensure a “Winning Culture” in Your Organisation

The Importance of a Winning Attitude at the Workplace

Education, Learning…

