What If 2020 was a Movie?

Grab your popcorn, it’s going to be a Hell of a Ride…

José Lourenço
9 min readOct 9, 2020


Photo by Arnaud STECKLE on Unsplash

I decided to write this article because at least for me, this has been the craziest year of my life.

I want kids 20/30 years from now, to read this article so they can see all the wild things that have happened in 2020.

They will be studying the year 2020 in their history classes. Let me just say that I feel bad for them. They will have a lot to study.

Now imagine if someone decides to turn 2020 into a movie. How crazy would that be? I already know that Morgan Freeman will narrate it. That’s the only right choice.

So, without further ado, here’s a preview of the script for “2020 The Movie”.

Available on theaters, August 2025, Worldwide.

Chapter I — It’s too damn hot

We started the year off with some pretty bad news.

The United States of America killed Iranian major general with a drone strike on 3 January 2020. Three days into the year and everyone was afraid because that could’ve been a potential trigger to World War III.

At the same time Australia was being completely torn apart due to deadly wildfires.

Photo by Denys Argyriou on Unsplash

Almost 46 million acres were burned. To put that into perspective, that’s about 34,787,500.00 football fields. Entire towns were wiped out by the flames, with thousands of people losing their homes and their entire possessions.

Around half a billion of animals were affected directly or indirectly by the fires with estimates saying that millions of them were likely killed. Habitats were destroyed and because of that some species may be at risk of extinction.

And on top of that, 34 people lost their lives including some fire fighters.

The most terrifying thing about all of this is that even though natural causes are to blame most of the time, we, as humans are the ones doing this to our planet.

Global warming is a real thing, and year after year, our home — The Earth — is getting hotter and hotter and because of that, the probability of natural disasters like this one to happen is getting higher.

We all need to do our part to make Earth a better place.

At the end of January, the world finds out that Kobe Bryant (08/23/1978 –01/26/2020), a true legend and one of the best basketball players ever, alongside her daughter and 7 other people were killed by an helicopter crash.

Chapter II — The World isn’t Ready for What is Coming

After a crazy start of the year, the world begins to hear about a novel Corona-virus that has appeared in Wuhan.

At first no one really knew that much about this new virus, so far it had only been detected in China and rumors started to spread that this new virus was just like the flu.

After a couple of days, the inevitable started to happen: It started to spread to other countries.

Nobody really knew the gravity of it. Safety measures started to be adopted and borders started to get closed. Everyone had an idea that something serious was about to happen but I think that the majority of people didn’t really know what was coming.

The worst was yet to come…

Chapter III — The Pandemic

We’re now at the beginning of March and the World Health Organization (WHO) has just declared the novel corona-virus, now called COVID-19, a worldwide pandemic.

All of a sudden, what just seemed as a new variation of the flu a couple of months ago, was now on every single media outlet and pretty much every country.

Cities became ghost-towns.

Europe started its lock-down before everything got worse in an attempt of flattening the curve so that hospitals didn’t overflow. Schools were shutdown, millions of people worldwide were losing their jobs everyday. Everything seemed like a nightmare.

Going outside to hangout with your friends was no longer a possibility and little by little, face-to-face meetings were being replaced with video calls.

We started hearing on TV that the only things we could do were:

  • Wear a mask.
  • Distancing ourselves physically from other people;
  • Wash our hands regularly.

Waking up and staying inside our homes became the new reality. Students were only having classes online. City offices became empty and now people were working with their laptops from the comfort of their homes. And surprisingly enough, companies who never let their employees work remotely were the first to adapt.

Everyone was in quarantine and even though that created lots of economic problems, that was one of the things that saved us. If it weren’t for the quarantine probably many more people would have died and there would’ve been many more families destroyed.

Ugh, I almost forgot.

Do you remember the Toilet Paper Crisis?

For some reason people started to stack toilet paper. There was no more toilet paper available. I think they even had to put a limit on the amount of toilet paper you could buy.

That was some weird crisis.

Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

Chapter IV — The Economy is Collapsing

In the midst of all the confusion the stock market couldn’t escape.

There were people on the news saying that this was going to be as bad as the 2008 financial crisis. Others were going even further, saying this was going to be worse than the 1927 recession.

Stocks dropping 20% in a week became the new “normal”. Everyone was panicking, people started to sell and sell their shares. Fortunes were lost, and a few months after that… guess what? Stock prices rebounded for some mysterious reason even though people were still in lock-down and millions were getting fired daily.

Oil prices fell to negative values, which means that refineries were paying people to get rid of oil. Everything was parked, cars, airplanes and cruise ships.

Air companies saw their stock price fell more than 70%. Government bailouts were necessary otherwise they would’ve been bankrupt. Just like that it seemed that we were in the middle of the 2008 financial crisis.

Worldwide tourism completely stopped. Luxurious 5-star Hotels now looked like abandoned complexes.

Around August it seemed that tech stocks could only go up. Until they went down, some of which dropped 20% in a week. Once again nobody really knew what had just happened.

Then we came to find out that “allegedly, of course” the mysterious rise and fall of tech stocks were mostly likely caused by market manipulation from the giant conglomerate, Softbank. This just goes to show you, once again, that if you try to time the markets, you’re probably going to lose a lot of money. Markets are unpredictable, so don’t try to time them.

Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

Chapter V — Racism and Fight for Equality

On May 25th in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, something happened that was going to change the course of the year.

Even though the world was already a chaos, an old and familiar virus decided to appear again: RACISM.

Racism is a “deadly virus” that kills thousands of people every year, and on that day a video started to surface on the internet showcasing the death of George Floyd. It was a truly sad day.

After that incident, thousands of people decided to come together and organize a peaceful protest to fight racism and police abuse. Soon after people from all around the world joined this movement to honor George Floyd and so many others like him who were victims of this ugly virus.

Of course that some people decided to turn these peaceful protests into complete riots with the only purpose of destroying business, robbing shops, assaulting people and taking national attention away from the peaceful protests. There were cities in the United States of America that looked like they were in a civil war.

It was awful to watch.

In today's society it’s extremely important that all of us come together to fight racism. It’s one of those things that makes absolutely zero sense.

Why does people’s color still matter? You’re not better than him or her just because you’re white or black. It’s just stupid to think like that.

We live in an incredible advanced world where pretty much everybody can have access to all kinds of information. We all should look at history books and learn from them. We need to make sure that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

We’re all human beings. We’re all the same and different at the same time.

Learn to love the person on your side regardless of their color, gender, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

Only united are we able to fight racism and make the world a little bit safer.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Chapter VI — Politics, Politics & More Politics

We finally got to September & October.

It seems that life is returning to normality even though there’s still a lot of people fighting for their lives.

And now the only thing that is really on our minds is the United States of America presidential election. Even people outside the US have an opinion about both candidates. The US are one of the most powerful nations in the world, and because of that, the result of this upcoming election can influence a lot of different countries. From average workers to investors to business owners, everyone wants to know who will win the election and what sort of politics will be implemented.

Everyone awaits patently for the first presidential debate between Donald Trump (the current President), and Joe Biden (the democratic candidate).

Somehow they we’re able to turn the first debate in a sort of fight between two 6th grade kids. They didn’t respect each other nor the moderator, Chris Wallace. They interrupted each other constantly, and quiet honestly neither one of them “won” the debate. Let’s call it a tie.

Two days after the debate it’s confirmed to the world that President Donald Trump and the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19. I guess we all have to wait to see if there’s going to be a 2nd debate.

Regardless of everything, please exercise your right to vote. The decisions of the President you choose will not only impact your country. They will also impact the rest of the world as well.

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Chapter VII — The Future

No one really knows what the future holds. It is impossible to know that. But we all need to look at it with a “glass-half-full mentality”.

We still have 2 months left in the year and one thing this year showed all of us is that

Life is to damn short!

Time is the most important asset we all have. It doesn’t matter if you’re the richest person in the world or if you’re barely making ends-meet, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Please don’t waste your time.

In a world full of madness we all need a super-hero. You can be that super-hero. Wear a mask and listen to the specialists.

Just remember that when you’re wearing a mask, you’re not just protecting yourself. You’re protecting the people around you. Your friends, your family, your loved and even complete strangers that you’ll probably never see again.

Wearing a mask might be the difference between saving someone’s life or not, and if you ask me, that is a true heroic act.

Photo by Paolo Bendandi on Unsplash



José Lourenço

Engineering, Finances and the Stock market | Basketball Fan and Book Lover