What if Medium Were to Shut Down Overnight?

I’m not one for doom and gloom. I’m just sayin’ . . .

Katie O'Grady


Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

The Experiment

In all seriousness, this is a bit of a thought experiment. But like most existential “what if” indulgences, we can often glean valuable insights for the present 3D. Let’s look at 3 things you can do now to prepare for the worst.

Murphy’s Law, right?

The Facts

The chances of a major social media company, like Medium, permanently closing its laptops overnight are likely slim to none. Not only that, but MartinEdic outlines how Medium has created a new user experience, which could elicit a “branching point” of sorts in social media evolution. For the reasons outlined by Edic, I agree that more platforms will likely parrot Medium’s design, bringing its algorithmic style beyond just the writer niche.

In short, we’re probably going to be okay.

Yet, our budding technological era has already been rift with a number of ostensibly unforeseeable major social media shutdowns. Of course, news reporting (not to mention social media info sharing itself) has a way of making gradual historical progressions appear as overnight phenomena. In reality, there’s usually a build-up (a series of corporate blunders giving way



Katie O'Grady

I love my writing to be healing for readers. I write from the heart and am told my work is authentic.