What If We Can Re-Humanize School Again?

It all starts with a focus on the human being.

Myriam Ben Salem🦋


Image by 14995841 from Pixabay

I want to start this article by asking a question: “When you think about the educational system, what is the first word that comes to your mind?”

School? Uniformity? Conventionality? Teachers? Discipline? Control? Sustainability? Learning? Knowledge? Efficiency? Homework? Pressure? Exams? Degrees? College? Fees? Limiting? Broken?

Those were the answers in my first circle. The last attribute broke my heart, but it speaks so much truth.

I am guessing that like all my friends living on several continents, not one of you would have thought to use the words freedom, empowerment, pleasure, passion, creativity, happiness, balance, and leadership as frequently as those in the aforementioned group.

People who are scripted deeply in logical, verbal, and left-brain thinking will discover how inadequate that thinking is in solving problems that require a great deal of creativity. They become aware and begin to open up a new script inside their right brain. It is not that the right brain wasn’t there; it just lay dormant. We haven’t been developing the muscles, or perhaps they had atrophied after early childhood because of the heavy left-brain emphasis of formal education or social scripting. ~ Stephen Covey



Myriam Ben Salem🦋

A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.