What If? You Knew a Little More about Me

I am a relentless seeker of excellence and kindness.

Kathryn A. LeRoy
3 min readApr 1, 2020
author of article sitting on a bench in a museum garden

If you don’t see that your story matters, chances are no one else will either. So even though it isn’t always easy, it’s important for you to find the strength to share your truth. Because the world needs to hear it.
— Michelle Obama

Here is the truth. I have started this introduction over a dozen times. The perfectionist who lives in my head stood firm to remind me that others wrote better, had more interesting lives…I could go on.

My second hurdle — I am a stalwart introvert who has learned to stand in front of hundreds of people, smile in a crowd, and brave the world of extroverts. My experience in debate and drama in high school helped bridge the chasm, but the energy expended can take its toll.

A Few Factoids

  • Baby-boomer
  • Native Houstonian (Texas)
  • Oldest of five
  • Married to my best friend — 50 years in October
  • Three children, two brilliant grandchildren, and one awesome great-niece
  • One very best friend since fourth grade
  • Changed jobs — often. Learn more about that here: LinkedIn
  • Earned my Ph.D. in…



Kathryn A. LeRoy

Creator of words and images. Seeker of excellence, kindness, and learning. Believer in the strength of the human spirit. Find me at: https://kathrynleroy.com