What is a Blue Sky Thinking?

The silver lining of the creative sky

Neil Shah


Edited by Author using Canva Pro

In a simpler term, “Blue sky thinking,” or “thinking beyond the box,” refers to new thoughts that are not limited by preconceptions.

The protagonist of Mad Men, the classic AMC TV show, considers his creative department and, by extension, creativity to be the “least important, most important thing there is” in an episode.

It may seem perplexing, but it represents the true value placed on imagination in our time, as it ranks near the bottom of our priority list, just like salt on our grocery list.

You won’t be able to function without it. However, it isn’t the first thing people look for in the supermarket.

The ongoing pandemic placed a further halt to the operation, which was already losing its luster in a world where numbers decide the next step. Since people were cooped up in their houses, they were limited in their perceptions and interactions, which are the primary sources of innovation.

Enter blue sky thinking. A form of creative brainstorming where there are no wrong answers.

Where would your thoughts lead you if there were no boundaries, constraints, judgments, or consequences? This is the foundation of blue sky thought.



Neil Shah

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