What Is A Miracle?

Do you know that miracles are happening all the time?

Silva Mirovics


Photo of a woman, kneeling in the snow, praying, with a beam of sunlight, by Ben White on Unsplash

When you think about a miracle occurring I bet your first thought is some unexplainable, out-of-this-world, godly event.

You may well be correct.

For the Britannica dictionary defines a miracle as:

An extraordinary and astonishing happening that is attributed to the presence and action of an ultimate or divine power.

What springs to mind for you?

Someone surviving something against all the odds?

A plane crash where everyone walks away uninjured?

A terminally ill person who suddenly recovers?

Yes, all of these are indeed miracles of the highest order. The strange fact is that all of these are seemingly impossible outcomes that actually do eventuate around the world every year.

Look a little closer to home though.

Miracles are happening all around you (and they don’t have to have a religious context).

For starters, there’s the sheer miracle that occurs every single day that you are up and about, breathing, moving, being. What about the abundance of miracles in nature? The fact that nature somehow recovers from natural and man-made disasters all…



Silva Mirovics

I love to write about Personal & Spiritual Growth, Ageing Well, Feminism, and creating a Vegan Future.