What is a Tantra

A blissful journey toward freedom

Raghavendra S Rao


Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

Have you heard of Tantra?

Tantra is an ancient Hindu practice that is aimed to achieve personal growth, spiritual fulfillment, self-realization, and merging with the divine.

Tantra is also practiced in Buddhism and other Indian traditions.

Tantra includes a wide range of beliefs, practices, and rituals. It is referred to as esoteric, as it is practiced by a small, select group within certain communities in India, Tibet, and other Eastern countries.

When one hears Tantra, some people conjure up various ideas without understanding the deeper meaning.

In English, unfortunately, there is no easy way to pronounce Tantra. One may attempt to pronounce it as “Th” as in theta, followed by “nnn”, followed by “Thra”.

What is Tantra

Tantra comes from the Sanskrit root words. The word “Tan” means “to expand,” or “to spread,” and “tra”, means “instrument”.

Tantra is a tool for expanding our consciousness beyond mundane activities to encompass the universe, and for elevating our knowledge from the ordinary to the divine.

Tantra has been described in various ancient scriptures of both Hinduism and Buddhism.

