What is Behind Our Need for Constant Productivity?

And how to learn to just be.

Anya Leela


Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Do you ever have these days when you wake up and although you don’t have any pressing matters, nothing that demands your immediate attention, in a sense, you have this great freedom to make this day anything you want to make it, and you sit there on the bed dreading the fact that you even need to do anything.

No, this is not the case of depression, not the case of nothing brings enjoyment anymore. Things do, but it is almost some sense of removal, some sense of detachment from the body and mind.

I feel like they are weighing me down.

I have a mind that needs to think, it wants some stimulation, it cannot imagine to just stay and be, and then there is the body that has all kinds of needs to be fulfilled.

I stay and breathe and wonder which one will be first, which one is going to get me out of the bed and send me on another pursuit of something not particularly meaningful but supposedly very important.

Today my mind won.

It couldn’t stop looking at the withered flower by the side of my bed. Actually, I was waiting for it to wither so I can dig out the flower bulbs and plant them again in September. The leaves are not fully yellow yet, but my mind says: “It has…



Anya Leela

Yoga Teacher. Background in Sociocultural Anthropology. Trying to find answers to an ultimate question “Why do we do things that we do?” | Know Why Publication