What Is Choice Theory And Why Dr. Glasser’s Theory Can Improve Your Life Through Its Principles

Dr. Glasser’s theory is an amazing notion and with a summary understanding of his beliefs anyone can improve their lives, wellness, relationships, financial situations, or careers. See for yourself.

Jason Morton


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

William Glasser And Choice Theory

If I’m being honest, I first heard about Choice Theory by watching a scene between Cypher and Toretto in the eighth Fast and the Furious movie. It made me curious.

Choice Theory is the brainchild of Dr. William Glasser. He developed it as a way of empowering people and improving relationships. Choice theory is based on the belief that the only control we possess over ourselves and what we do is an attempt to satisfy one or more of five basic needs. Those needs are survival, love, belonging, freedom, power, and fun.

Learning about Glasser’s theory, I questioned much about myself.

Have you ever wondered why your life seems so complicated compared to those around you? Through Choice Theory, you can find the answer to your question. By understanding Glasser’s theory and its principles, it becomes easier to…



Jason Morton

Currently, I'm a telecom tech, a grandfather, and fighting cancer. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions. I stumbled into some knowledge along my journey.