What Is Cognitive Dissonance?

The Unseen Battle in Our Minds

Waleed Mahmud Tariq


Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

We often find ourselves standing at the crossroads of conflicting beliefs and actions, experiencing a piercing internal disconnect and discomfort. This phenomenon, known as cognitive dissonance, is more than just a psychological curiosity; it’s a fundamental aspect of our human experience, shaping our decisions, beliefs, and ultimately, our lives.

Cognitive dissonance occurs when we hold two or more contradictory beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously, or when our actions are not aligned with our beliefs. This mental conflict triggers these discomforts, prompting us to find ways to reduce the dissonance and restore mental harmony. It’s a struggle between what we know and what we do, between our ideals and our actions, and it’s a struggle that’s deeply rooted in the human condition.

The Birth and Life of Dissonance

Leon Festinger, the father of cognitive dissonance theory, proposed that people have an inner drive to hold all our attitudes and beliefs in harmony and avoid disharmony (or dissonance).

This theory is a cornerstone of social psychology, revealing much about human nature. When our actions contradict our beliefs, something must give way. We either change our actions or adjust our beliefs to align them…



Waleed Mahmud Tariq

A creative nonfiction author of transformative philosophical ideas, exploring moral and political depths through an interdisciplinary lens.