What is “Cultural Misogyny”?

From East to West- same shit, different pile

Nada Chehade


Instagram @hassansquared

A few days ago, my city- Montreal- marched to denounce sexual violence and rape culture. Although I was not oblivious to the problem, I became aware that cultural misogyny sucks everywhere. It’s not better or worse in any region either- East or West. Unfortunately, nowhere is safe, just different; and it’s all bad.

As I watched hundreds of Montrealer’s take to the streets, I became inspired by the magic of the protest. The solidarity. So, I decided to write this article to highlight that this is a global problem that needs our attention.


There are pockets of women around the world fighting for our rights in various capacities, and they deserve a shoutout. In fact, they deserve everything. A revolution is taking place in Egypt, Russia, Sudan, even on Reddit. From East to West, women bring to light the double standards in our society, and way too many men are angry instead of empathetic. That is cultural misogyny.

A quick google search defines Cultural Misogyny as an attitude of hatred for females because they are female, which is the basis for their oppression. She is a female; that’s their argument. But if you dig a bit further, it's more about controlling and punishing women who challenge male dominance. Misogyny…

