What Is Maladaptive Behavior?

How to Recognize and Deal with It

Victoria Taylor
3 min readDec 10, 2022


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Maladaptive behavior is a term used to describe patterns of negative, unwanted behavior that have developed over time and are now causing distress. This type of behavior isn’t necessarily predictable. We’ll discuss several possible ways to identify and manage this kind of behavior.

What Causes Maladaptive Behavior?

A maladaptive pattern often occurs due to ongoing stress, trauma, or other negative life experiences impacting the individual’s mood and self-esteem. If a person exhibiting maladaptive behaviors is also experiencing some different kind of problem, they may not be able to control their behavior very well. The best way to address maladaptive behaviors is to see them as a sign that someone needs support.

Ways to Deal with Maladaptive Behavior

Remember that maladaptive behaviors are often a sign of a problem, not the problem itself. Though it can be challenging, it’s important to try to understand what is causing the maladaptive behavior. It can be helpful to ask the person exhibiting it if they would like to change their behavior and see if they are open to that. They may also be willing to seek help from a professional.

How to Recognize When Someone is exhibiting Maladaptive Behavior

It can be helpful to keep an eye out for any negative behaviors from anyone close to you over the past few weeks. If you notice someone acting strangely, being excessively pessimistic, or isolating themselves from others, that might be a sign that maladaptive behavior is occurring. If they don’t seem like they are getting enough sleep if they are frequently stressed, it might be worth checking in with them to see if they need some support.

Types of maladaptive behavior

Here are some of the most common ways people show maladaptive behavior:

  • Self-harm. It is the process of deliberately hurting one’s own body. This type of behavior is often considered a sign of mental illness.
  • Mutism. It is a prolonged inability to speak, even when there’s no reason not to. Most people practicing mutism may also exhibit other forms of avoidant behavior.
  • Stereotypic Movement Disorder. This behavior is characterized by repetitive and ritualistic movements that often have little to no practical use. For example, a person with Stereotypic Movement Disorder may always fold their hands in a certain way, or they may be compelled to pick their skin until it bleeds.
  • Trichotillomania. It is a maladaptive behavior characterized by the urge to pull out one’s hair.

Maladaptive behavior is a type of behavior that is negative and unwanted. This kind of behavior is often unintentional and may look different to each person that exhibits it.

The author of this article is a therapist from the Sensera app. Sensera is a daily 10-minute self-therapy app. It’ll help you to cope with various mental problems (anxiety, self-esteem, relationship issues). Feel better with CBT audio sessions and exercises. Download now.



Victoria Taylor

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: https://sensera.app