What Is Meant by “Meteor Shower” and How Are Meteors Falling into the Earth’s Surface?

When you wish upon a falling star, you’re actually offering your hopes and dreams to a small piece of space rock burning up as it plummets through earth’s atmosphere known as “Meteors”.



Photo by Juskteez Vu on Unsplash

These brilliant streaks of light have entranced humans for centuries, especially when they arrive in bursts of blazing glory during sky shows called “Meteor Showers”.

Is Meteor Showers are Space Debris?

Yes, Meteors are space debris and about 50 tons of space debris are crash onto the earth everyday.

While some debris shyly dissipate into the atmosphere, other displays a “Spectacular Light Show”.

Meteor showers occur when the earth’s orbit intersect with the orbit of a “Comet”.

Image taken from the National Geographic Channel

In which the earth orbit is intersects the comets orbit.

As comets travel, they leave behind trails of rocky materials, often times the size of pebbles or grains of…




Learn Cosmological information, Space Technology, Space Exploration, Aerospace Graduate, Technological development in Aerospace, Love of learning New Things.