What Is Mindfulness and Why Is It Important?

I froze with fear. I wanted to disappear.

Chasing Dreams



I was quiet, shy, and uncomfortable around most people or new situations.

I am pretty sure I was born that way.

There were times when I wished I was a snowman so I would melt away.

I was a watcher of people and my surroundings and drawn to the outside, nature, and animals. Curling up with a book, or perhaps a cat, made me happy.

As an adult, I learned it was sometimes necessary to step outside of myself and the things that made me comfortable. Doing so did not make me happy.

It gave me the heebie-jeebies.

For me, that was the feeling of panic when you freeze as if you have turned into a block of ice and would do anything to run away and disappear.

Go to a meeting, a business function, and talk to people I did not know? What, you want me to network? Holy Hell. Not Me.

It soon became apparent that I would have to change, loosen up, and put myself out there. It was vital if I wanted to succeed in my chosen career.

Bummer, that was not what I wanted. Just let me be an introvert. Maybe I should be a writer?



Chasing Dreams

Discovering the joy of writing. Wandering through life one step at a time and following the magic.