The Generosity Challenge: Period Poverty

What is Period Poverty and Why Should We Care?

Bringing menstruation struggles into the light

Kaylan Mah
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2021


A menstrual pad next to a blue box of “ultra pads,” against a light blue background
Photo by Natracare on Unsplash

This is not a piece that I would usually write. It’s a topic viewed as awkward, and often even as “inappropriate” in public spaces.

But if I tell myself that I care about social justice, then I can’t avoid a topic just because it might make people uncomfortable. So I hope that you’ll have grace for me, about something I’m just beginning to learn about. For the most part, I will let my research and the words of people more knowledgeable than me speak for themselves.

I also hope that you can read this with a humble heart: a heart that cares to learn more, and cares for those affected by this struggle.

Period basics

Across the world, women and those with uteruses experience menstruation. According to Healthwise Staff, in Canada, the menstrual period usually begins between the ages of 11 and 14, and ends at menopause, around the age of 50.

Jessica Kane has written an excellent piece called “Here’s How Much a Woman’s Period Will Cost Her Over a Lifetime” which breaks down many of the statistics surrounding this topic. She goes beyond what we would normally consider…



Kaylan Mah

As a passionate writer, reader, musician, and human in this world, I write about living with purpose & intentionality