What is Pretty Privilege?
and why do so many people hate it?
Pretty privilege is a problem. It is a form of privilege people get because they are considered good-looking to society’s definition of beauty. It is a form of privilege that is brought to attention because of social media. Social media has highlighted this straight to our faces.
In this day and age where followers mean something, having pretty privilege comes with an advantage. Think about it. People who are considered beautiful are more likely to go viral on the internet and gain more followers. Their beauty signals something in our heads to like, share and interact with their content. It may not be fair but it’s the way we are conditioned to view beauty.
According to society’s standards, men need to be at least six feet tall, with broad shoulders, and a six-pack. Women are told to be supermodel thin, with a slim waist, and curves. These are unrealistic body standards that people try to achieve every day.
Society tends to favor what it finds beautiful and when a person is considered physically attractive by others, that person may find themselves on the receiving end of lots of advantages in life.
“Our modern society didn’t invent a reverence for attractiveness, it is simply carrying on a thousand-year-old tradition.”