What is Racism?

We define the term and discuss ways eradicate it from society



Photo by Adrian from Pexels

Racism is not merely a simplistic hatred. It is, more often, broad sympathy toward some and broader skepticism toward others. Black America ever lives under that skeptical eye.

— Ta-Nehisi Coates, essayist, novelist

What is Racism? Webster provides us with 2 definitions:

The 1st definition is pretty clear. This is what took place during the Holocaust when Hitler and the Nazis believed they were superior to those of a different race. It’s what took place during slavery when black people were treated like animals.

Sometime about a month or so ago, many black folks were sharing their personal stories on a Twitter thread about the earliest recollection they had of racism in their lives.

I found it interesting and sad at the same time. What was shown was the reality of racism being alive and well in this country, despite others claiming it isn’t.




Texan, I write about sports, relationships, social issues and life lessons. Follow me on Twitter @Jthewriter1482