What Is the Best Advice You Were Ever Given?

Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021


And who gave it to you?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Advice giving is not an easy task but everyone does it now and then. Sometimes when it's not wanted as well. Advice is often given based on our own experiences of life, after all, we only have our own frame of reference to go by. Speaking from my own experience I have had multiple pearls of wisdom from friends, family, and colleagues over the years. Some not so good advice as well. However, I have to say hands down that the best advice I have ever been given was by my late father.

He valued education and had a solid work ethic. He had worked most of his life from the age of 11 upwards and was orphaned at a young age. He started to earn a living traveling from village to village in Bangladesh teaching the local children English. This taught him the value of standing on his own two feet early on and working hard to earn a living. He was self-taught and loved studying. It was through his study that he was able to settle in England and continue his passion for teaching.

I remember it clear as day. I was only 11 years old and a quiet, shy child. My father called me into his study looked me dead in the eye and said;

“Listen love, I’m not going to be around forever. And I don’t know who you will end up with, whether it will be a good man or not. I hope and pray he will be…



Kamarun Kalam BA SW/ BACP Acc

Hi I’m a Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Family Mediator, Author and Supervisor. To learn more visit www.talkwellcounselling.co.uk 😃