What Is the First Sentient AI Going to Feel Like When It Wakes Up?

Is humanity about to do something cruel?

Charlie Lukas


Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

At some point, science will create something as sophisticated as the human brain, but with the computing power of a God.

When that happens, consciousness could appear, just like it did for us. And that consciousness will be able to think, feel, and act.

Science fiction has had theories about sentient AI for decades. If that day is getting closer, then the question may finally be answered: What the hell is going to happen?

The Purpose of Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of creating AI is to get machines to solve our menial problems while we pursue things that matter to us.

According to a 2007 article by Nicholas V. Findler, an ASU engineering professor:

The basic objective of AI [sic] is to enable computers to perform such intellectual tasks as decision making, problem solving, perception, understanding human communication (in any language, and translate among them), and the like.

The idea is to get machines to do the things we’re bad at doing, or at least the things we do very slowly.

