What Is the Key to Your Emotional Survival?

Physical Survival Depends on Food but Emotional Survival Depends on Affection

Sana Naz
3 min readJul 31, 2022


Couple Under Hut Beside Sea and Infinity Pool. Picture is used because love is necessary for emotional survival. Love and affection keeps the person emotionally stable. True love heals. Let’s be mentally and emotionally stable.
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives: https://www.pexels.com/photo/couple-under-hut-beside-sea-and-infinity-pool-1024967/

Everyone deserves to be loved. Everyone means Everyone. No categories. No boundaries. No exceptions.

We are used to loving since our birth. It’s our parents who love us first. Then our siblings, later on, friends and others. And true lovers are capable to help discover the wonders of your soul and the universe.

True love heals!

Love becomes a part of us. As we need food and water daily for our survival, we also need affection and love for our emotional survival.

“I wonder What a Human is without the Desire to Love or be Loved”.

— Sana Naz

People become emotionally disturbed when they feel unloved, unwanted, and unappreciated.

Nobody can love us perfectly not even our own selves especially when we don’t build up reasons to love and respect ourselves. The love of our mother/father, friends, or loved ones who claim to have a sincere love is incomplete and imperfect.

Like 4 seasons in a year, the heart also has seasons of LOVE:

Summer — our heart starts melting to spread love, to make love.

Spring — pure love has a blooming and glooming effect on us. We can feel its various colors deep in our souls.

Autumn — when love doesn’t last long like the dry leaves start shedding after completion of their time period.

Winter — there is nothing to feel anymore. Cold heart with cold feelings. The person’s soul starts shrinking, hiding the secrets of feelings deep inside the chest. But always craving for the fire of love to melt his heart again.

… and the wait continues until summer comes back and the cycle repeats itself.

We don’t stop living just because we can’t cope with the changing seasons. Instead, we stop depending on it too much. It’s only possible when we have many other important things to do apart from craving for love all the time.

We should never completely depend on love for our emotional and physical survival.

Emotional disturbances have the power to sicken physical survival.

I know that turning ideas into reality is a hard job. But we have to take care of our hearts because it’s a matter of our survival and stability.

You are not always the only reason for the lack of love and affection. Don’t water the seeds of guilt. There is nothing wrong with you and these feelings of guilt are baseless.

And I believe that everyone will get the love of their life one day. Don’t forget to affirm it!

It’s true that emotional survival depends on affection. But don’t depend on others 100% to feel affectionate. Love yourself. Be self-dependent. And believe in yourself.

Nobody can ever/will be available to love you 24/7. Nourish your soul with self-love. Because only you can love yourself 24/7/30/365.

Peace and Love to You.

P.S: I’d love to know how you cope with emotional disturbances. What’s the key to your Emotional Survival?

My Key: When I don’t feel loved, I talk to my close ones or put a status on social media and ask them if they want to say something (love, hatred, advice) about me. And to my great astonishment, my beloved people throw so much loving comments that are enough to feed my emotional stability and build the confidence to regain myself + I start writing or whatever I love to do. It really helps.

It’s like coming out of the den with the strength to achieve the targeted motive.



Sana Naz

MPhil Chemistry, Research Scholar/Assistant, Computer Operator, Freelance Writer, & A Lover of the Universe.