What is the purpose of life?

Pondering one of life’s biggest questions

Ramblings Anon


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I’ve reached a weird stage in my life; a quarter-life crisis. A crossroads on my journey to death and I don’t know which way I want to go.

At the prime age of twenty-seven, I have accomplished my dreams of becoming a neonatal RN and yet still feel this longing for a more fulfilling life. I suppose it’s human nature to want more — that’s why drugs, money, and power are so dangerous in a person’s hands.

I recently resigned from my job and travelled to Norway for 5 weeks on a spur of the moment holiday. Two months later and I still haven’t dragged my lazy arse back to work. Different dreams are sneaking into my mind, different visions of my future. Who could I become? What could I learn? How could I make this world a better place in some way?

What is the purpose of life?

Everybody needs a purpose in life, a driving force to wake up in the morning. For the last two months I have had no schedule, no plan for the following day, and remain undecided on when I will resign from this holiday, and as Eminem would say, ‘snap back to reality’.

Life in a westernised society generally involves being born in a hospital where you are immediately numbered, attending various schools that prepare you…



Ramblings Anon

Neonatal RN | NZ/Māori | Writer of raps, poems, and other rambles | Lover of music, nature, animals, food, and chess ❤