What Is The Story Behind The Genesis Of MABACO?

More Than The Anagram of Bamako, Mali.

Ahmadou DIALLO ✪


Toulouse, France, Monday, 30th of March, 2020

The Airbus Humanity Lab is running a hackathon to develop solutions against Covid-19.

The focus is on PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and ventilators. We have many ideas and prototypes popping up all around the world.

As I am in confinement, I am working remotely and following the proposed solutions.

Indeed, as part of the Airbus Africa community, we are pushing to ensure that all solutions that will be developed in this hackathon can be suitable to be deployed in Africa.

I am reading my emails, and there it is, the first chromosome of MABACO. I see it and say in my head: Yes, this is it! This is great for Africa.

I hit the “reply to all” button, asking for the initial idea to be further elaborated.

What is this initial idea?

© Ahmadou DIALLO

The idea is simple and quite brilliant.

“3D printing is nice but slow. Metal sheet can be quickly produced on a large scale.”



Ahmadou DIALLO ✪

🏆 Top Medium Writer in Ideas. I am a professional storyteller who can help you share your stories. Find out more here: https://www.madception.com