What Is This Place?

Is this the famous flow state everyone is always raving about?

Assumpta Nalubowa
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2023


Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels

What is this place?
Has it always been inside me?
I don’t want to leave
Not now,
Not ever,
Not until my work is done.

I shouldn’t get attached
I can’t afford any attachments
Not now,
Not when my spiritual work has just begun
And yet…

I’m one with this room
The very air around me, an extension of my skin
My ideas,
diffusing in and out of my lungs with each breath,
Dissolving into my heart
Opening doors within me that I didn’t know of before

What is this place?
How did I get here?
When did I start swimming in this endless silence?
This peaceful embrace of eternal ideas?

There are no headaches here
No fear
No anxiety
Not even depression



Assumpta Nalubowa

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: https://sumpycode.hashnode.dev/