What It Took Me to Get 1K Views on Medium With Only 99 Followers

Here’s how I did it with a single article and you can too!

Muhammad Usman


Image by Author

A few days ago, I wrote a story about getting your first client without a portfolio. The day I published it, it did okay. Even the next two days were just mediocre. But on the 4th day, my stats blew up!

It was an explosion of views! Relatively.

Keep in mind that none of my blogs got more than 200 views before. So, I have all the right to celebrate. Right?

Below is the link to that blog.

So, every time I refreshed my stats, I saw the number grow and believe me, I refresh my stats every five minutes.

Yes, I am that obsessed!

You know what the best part is?

  • I have just started on Medium.
  • I had less than 100 followers when this story went viral.
  • I became a top writer in design and didn’t even know about it!
  • I haven’t promoted this story on any social media platform.

Let’s dive into how I did it.

But first, a big thank you to uxplanet.org for helping me achieve this.

The title is vital

I know, you’ve heard this a million times Mr.IKnowEverything234. But you haven’t applied it, right? So, I’m going to tell you a million and one times,

The title is the most important thing!

Do this when writing the title of your story:

  • Without using clickbait, write a title that will lure people into clicking.
  • Promise a solution to their problem.
  • Use a headline analyzer to improve the SEO. I used coschedule’s headline studio.
  • Make the title engaging and SEO friendly, not one of them.

Because my title has keywords that people actually search for, I got more external views than internal.

And let’s face it,

Every social media platform wants you to bring more people on it!

And once you do that, BOOM, you’re famous!

I was honest with the promise

Once you have crafted the perfect title, it doesn’t end there. You need to fulfill the promise you made. I told my audience there is my tested strategy in the article, and that’s exactly what I have them.

And I didn’t just write what they should do. I wrote what I did.

Personal stories make all the difference which brings me to my next point:

“HOW I” matters more than “HOW TO” on Medium

Nobody wants to read boring articles that sound like a bot wrote them. People want to hear stories.

Stories are engaging. Stories are memorable. Stories teach.

I wrote the article just like I would tell my strategy to a friend and that’s what people love.

They love to be understood and talked-to like a friend.

People advise against the use of emojis, but I used them because

I don’t talk to my friends without emojis!

Your personality can also set you apart from the crowd. You may be saying the same thing as millions of people but what makes a difference is how you say it.

Some additional points

You may have heard about these but because they helped me gain the 1K views, I’m going to tell them anyway.

  • Give white space between paragraphs.
  • Make your text readable.
  • Add engaging humor.
  • Don’t shy away from emojis. But don’t add one after every sentence either.
  • Submit articles to publications. Self-publishing won’t make you go viral with only a handful of followers.

Hi, it’s Muhammad Usman — A curious foodie 😋 spicing up businesses with the powerful fusion of:

  • Branding
  • Website design
  • UI/UX
  • Copywriting

Founder & creative director of a brand design agency by the name of Alif-Ya Studio located in Pakistan 🇵🇰

My aim is to help not only the creatives but also the businesses that want to become design-driven and escalate their sales.

I am open for work, so if you are interested, let’s chat on the platform of your choosing and transform your business into a money-printing machine!

LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

or usmanalifya@gmail.com



Muhammad Usman

Top Writer in "Design" - Sharing my personal experiences as a 6-figure design entrepreneur in the most engaging way possible.