What it Would Look Like if Higher Dimensional Beings Tried to Communicate with Us

Erik Ruof
Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

It sucks when you’re told that you can’t do something. And I hate to be the guy that tells you that you can’t comprehend what higher dimensions look like.

We were all born and brought up in a reality contained within 3 spatial dimensions and 1 linear time dimension. It’s elementary for us to comprehend the dimensions below our own.

It’s best to imagine different dimensions through dots, lines, and shapes. An object in the zeroth- dimension contains only a single point. An object in the first-dimension contains a line bounded by two zero-dimensional points. An object in the second-dimension can contain a polygon bounded by one-dimensional lines, such as a square. An object in the third-dimension would then have its bounding sides containing two-dimensional faces, such as a cube.

Now, this is where things start becoming a little hard to comprehend. An object in the fourth-dimension would be bounded by three-dimensional sides. For example, a hypercube is a higher dimensional artifact with each one of its sides being a three-dimensional cube. This trend continues going up the dimension ladder all the way to the nth dimension.

I think I just dislocated my brain.



Erik Ruof

Storyteller with an extensive list of passions and eccentric opinions. Short stories, hot takes, and pure stream of consciousness word vomit.