What It’s Like to Live in Portland, Oregon — Fires, Riots, and COVID

Live from Portland, Oregon

John Ross
Published in
10 min readSep 19, 2020


Photo by Tristan Fortsch via katu.com

What is it like to be living in Portland, Oregon right now?

In one word, heavy.

Everyone’s perspective is different pending their race, religion, gender, political affiliations, etc. My lens is through that of a 38-year-old white, heterosexual male. But although people come from varying backgrounds with varying experiences, it would be hard-pressed to find someone in Portland who does not feel the pain, sadness, and heaviness of what our community has been and is going through.

Layer 1 — COVID

This is a layer that covers the entire world. Although some communities seem to think its targeting their local church or that it’s a Democratic hoax that will be gone in November… regardless of one’s thoughts, it’s something that is affecting the entire world, the global economy, and individual relationships everywhere. Whatever your feelings towards COVID, we can all agree, that it is affecting each of us in how we live day to day.

The same is true in Portland. It’s hard to find someone in Portland not wearing a mask. When COVID breakouts happened early in Washington and in California, Oregon buckled up quickly and a…



John Ross

Writing stories, working in the NBA, & learning each day how to better love my neighbor — www.hellojohnwross.com