On Squid Game & Lessons For Business Leaders!

Sriram Balasubramanian
Published in
7 min readNov 27, 2021


What lessons can we learn from this three and a half minutes game (tug of war)?

Source: Netflix / Squid Game

Before we jump onto the leadership lessons, let's watch the YouTube video — Tug of War / Squid Games if you have not watched the series yet.

How exciting was it?

Let's jump into some leadership lessons. I am not reviewing the series or characters, but I am writing my thoughts on what leaders and businesses can learn from this one scene — the Tug of War game! There is something that every individual can decipher from and apply in their life!

Source: Netflix // Squid Games

Some Narrative on the Tug of War Game: Two teams ascend to battle out for life through the tug of war game. One of the teams has all men and all middle-aged, athletic, and appear strong, whereas the other team had three women and an old-aged man and others, portraying a weak team. Don't get me wrong when I say women and the old man are weak, but…



Sriram Balasubramanian

Building WIBE to enable people to trade stocks to generate consistent cash flow. I enjoy writing on Wealth of all types!