What Magic Lies in the Practice of Love and Gratitude?

A personal journey of transformation.

Shireen Low
3 min readFeb 28, 2024


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In the labyrinth of life’s journey, I’ve stumbled upon a profound truth that has illuminated the path to inner peace and contentment:

The transformative power of Love and Gratitude.

My story, much like countless others, was marred by grief, a silent thief that unknowingly harbored negative energy, attracting a whirlwind of unwanted circumstances, including strained connections with my closest family members.

It was a cycle of negativity, where the beauty of life’s moments was overshadowed by a focus on the wrongs, the imperfections, and the endless nitpicking over the trivial.


The pivot in my narrative began with the wisdom imparted by my mentor, Master Ted Sun. His teachings illuminated the essence of cultivating a grateful heart toward everything that unfolds around us.

It involves appreciating the simple joys: waking up each day, breathing, walking with ease, having transportation, and enjoying clean air and water. Every moment offers opportunities to express gratitude for the myriad blessings we encounter daily.


I had always equated having a grateful heart with the simple act of saying “Thank You” when someone did something nice for me. Little did I know, that gratitude is a profound sentiment that emanates from within, from the very soul, not just a superficial verbal expression.

Mastering the essence of Gratitude unveils a profound truth: it’s more than mere words — it’s a transformative way of life.


Embracing this philosophy, I learned to constantly remind myself to stay grateful, regardless of the situation. Whether in moments of joy or the face of adversity, gratitude became my compass. This journey taught me invaluable lessons:

  • Good Times:
    Expressing gratitude during prosperous times magnifies our fortunes, setting the stage for further blessings.
  • Challenging Moments:
    Conversely, when faced with challenges, gratitude is even more crucial. It teaches us resilience, offering lessons that propel us forward, and fostering personal growth and learning.

Love Unlocked

This shift towards gratitude made it easier for me to tap into my reservoir of love. Gratitude became the natural state of my inner self, enabling me to remain calm, analyze situations more effectively, and approach problems with constructive solutions.

It was as if gratitude had unlocked a wellspring of love, allowing it to flow freely and inform my actions and reactions.


Through the teachings of Master Ted Sun, I’ve come to realize that a grateful heart is the cornerstone of a fulfilled life. It transforms our perception, interactions, and overall approach to life’s twists and turns.

Gratitude doesn’t just change what we see; it changes who we are at our core.

Opening your heart to love and gratitude is akin to finding the key that unlocks the best version of yourself. It’s a journey of transformation that begins with a single step —

A step towards acknowledging and appreciating the myriad blessings that life, in its generosity, bestows upon us each day.

As I continue on this path, I invite you to ponder on the magic that unfolds when we choose to view the world through the lens of love and gratitude.

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41 stories

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Shireen Low

Positivity advocate | AI enthusiast | I help startups grow with affordable and efficient AI solutions. ➡️ thynkproductive.com