What Matters in Writing for Success?

Let’s uncover what makes your growth possible as a writer.

Mahnoor Chaudhry


Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

Some writers believe in quality, and others debate whether quantity matters more. There has been an extensive debate among the writer’s community.

Now the question is: should we focus on creating high-quality content with low volume or should we spend time writing an extensive amount without taking quality into account?

I’ve chosen to immerse myself in this discussion and personally explore it, taking into account the perspective of writers. I’ll concentrate on my observations and experiences to uncover the essence of what truly matters most in writing.


Quality, undoubtedly, holds great importance, and it’s the hallmark of the writing industry. Quality is the only factor that distinguishes between good and poor content. It also distinguishes the writers.

Writers, editors, or readers who talk about quality and quantity might sometimes keep the quantity in the back row, but I never hear anyone encouraging compromise on the quality.

Why does quality matter?

  • Expertly crafted content captivates readers, adding value by assisting them in various ways. It also captivates their minds and…



Mahnoor Chaudhry

Top Medium Writer in Reading|• Personal Blog | Writes about writing, Career, Personal Journey, Productivity, Learning, Books and Side Hustle.