
What Nonsense! (a song)

Part of your wisdom portfolio

Shashi Sastry
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Image made by the author in Canva Pro

Sing it aloud, verse and chorus!

What nonsense!

Why are we here, to what end?
To live is such deep desire,
Why it’s so, no one can tell.
Why must we struggle and strain?
For what purpose, what’s the aim?

What is this life?
What nonsense!

Reach for jobs, then positions,
Grab mates to make babies,
Eat like there’s a famine,
Burn the oil like a birthright,
Collect more stuff without end.

What is this life?
What nonsense!

Oh, why are we so twisted?
We smoke, take drugs, drink too much,
Some rob, steal, abuse, and cheat,
Others murder, rape, and maim.
Why must nature be so bleak?

What is this life?
What nonsense!

Can’t stay faithful to a mate,
Spread our seed at any cost,
Shatter families for what?
Is the anguish worth the thrill?



Shashi Sastry

I am a prism, refracting the light of thought into a rainbow of content for you. Poetry, philosophy, architecture, and more. LESS STUFF, MORE VEG = A FUTURE.