What Porn Does to Your Brain and How to Quit

With success stories and science-backed research

Mohammedraza Esmail


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

All references to researches are provided in the underline text. I do not profit from any of the links, as this is only my contribution to society. I hope you benefit from my work.

If you were to ask for one reason why porn is terrible, I would ask you to look at image 1.

Porn is considered by experts as an addiction like drugs, gambling, and alcohol because the reward system plays the same.

Advancements in SPECT brain imaging has allowed scientist today to confirm if porn is an addiction. Furthermore, research on a large scale has allowed us to learn the process of porn addiction, its side effects, and the benefits of quitting porn.

Image 1. from conquerseries

Experiments have shown that porn addiction works similar to drug and alcohol addiction. Several researchers — including one conducted by the University of Cambridge took 19 addictive pornography users who felt they were not porn addicts.

