What Really Happened at the Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle Show

Glodean Champion
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2022

I went to see Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle last night. It was a great show, despite the shenanigans that took place! I’m not surprised most reporters missed the point, so I’m going to try to keep this short while I set the record straight.

from December 12 SF Examiner, by Marcus White | Examiner staff writer

BEFORE Dave brought Elon Musk on stage he was telling us that while we had the right to freedom of speech, we should also be kinder to one another so we can hear each other out. Then he said, “Sometimes we make mistakes. I know someone who made a very bad business investment…” at which point he invited Elon Musk, “the richest man in the world” onto the stage.

The audience initially cheered and it was quickly overpowered by the booing. It was so bad that Dave couldn’t even finish making his point, which, now that I think about it, made his point anyway.

People were so intent on showing their disdain for Musk they weren’t even willing to hear what Dave was proposing. Of course, because this is my life’s work now, I knew exactly what Dave was proposing. Wouldn’t it have been an incredible opportunity for us to just LISTEN to what Musk had to say out of his own mouth? Maybe he and Dave could have had a brief conversation. Maybe we would have seen another side of Musk? Or maybe he would have just confirmed he is exactly as he appears in the media. Either way, we lost that opportunity because the booing was more important, which is why Dave said, “There’s something better that you can do. Booing is not the best thing you can do.”

I am also saddened that Musk didn’t use that opportunity to look inward. For him to show up on Twitter with that blatant lie about 90% cheers and 10% boos says to me he can only hear what makes him feel comfortable. It’s obvious he has a bunch of “Yes Men” around him. He probably doesn’t know many people who would be courageous enough to give him some TOUGH LOVE. What a missed opportunity for him, as well.

About the “I’m rich, b*tch part.” I noticed several news outlets led with that quote, which takes this totally out of context. Dave was poking fun at Musk on two levels. He had another comedian (sorry, can’t remember his name) say, “I’m rich, b*tch” in that Chappelle Show way and then told Musk to repeat it. He set the joke up for us and pointed out that Musk was going to f*ck it up and when he did…we all got a good laugh. That was one level. The other level was, in my opinion, to show us that Elon Musk might be rich but he’s also awkward and fallible…translation: he’s human.

Man, this world would be such a better place if we could just LISTEN! This spinning ball we’re on ain’t spinning around us, individually. It’s spinning around and for us, COLLECTIVELY. There’s truth to the saying, “It takes all kinds.” But we’re so determined to cancel anyone who doesn’t agree with our way of thinking or being that we’re missing out on an even bigger opportunity: healing, understanding, growth and love for one another.

(stepping down from my soap box now…have a great day, y’all!)



Glodean Champion

Glodean. A Champion. Renaissance Woman. Transformational Leader. DEI Coach. Educator. Storyteller. Author of Salmon Croquettes. Love in Action.